
Posts Tagged ‘Billy Graham’


Someone I know was constantly suffering from headaches.

I would pray for the headaches to go but still the headache remained.

 One day, as I was talking with them, they began rubbing their head again and I asked them if they had another headache,

They said yes.

 Wanting to know why they kept getting headaches, I quietly prayed,

And God revealed the reason.

 My dear friend was getting headaches because they were battling within themselves.  This particular headache was the war within their mind.

 It wasn’t a war of good vs. evil,

It was a war of freedom vs. prison.


 ~When you give your heart to Christ, there instantly becomes a Great Transfer.

 There is a penalty to be paid for disobedience

And Christ willing took the penalty of our disobedience and sin on the cross and exchanged our scandalous crimes for His Beautiful Purity.~


That’s fact,

But do we reaaaally believe it?

 Do we?


We don’t.

Most of us don’t believe it.

 Most of us know deep within our hearts that we are sinners.

 Most of us know that our sin is ugly and putrid and stinks.

 And most of us walk around with a ball and chain of shame attached to our ankles.

 We know we need Christ,

And we say we accept His forgiveness,

But do we?

Do we really?


 Doubt of God was first introduced back in the Garden of Eden,

When the serpent whispered to Eve,

“Did God Really say that…?”

 We continue the lie by whispering in our hearts,

“Did Jesus Really forgive all my sins…?”

Allllll of them?

 ~This is the battle my friend was battling in their mind.

 They truly loved the Lord,

Yet accepting that God truly loved them,

Sins and all,

Was the war that waged within their head.

 Oh the battle inside their head,

 Oh the headaches that followed…

But truthfully, are we any different from my dear friend?

 Honestly, in all of our finite minds it truly doesn’t make sense.

” Surely,”

(We whisper within our minds and hearts,)

“We must do something to atone for the sin we committed an hour ago.

 Certainly, the forgiveness of Christ couldn’t have covered that one.…”


(We say to ourselves,)

“This one is too big,

This one stretched God’s Grace too far,

So, I must atone for this one myself.”

 “Stand back everyone!”

 (We think),

“I am out of the graces of God,

And now I must take the blows,

I must take the woundings,

I must take the penance for my own sin…”

Even though the prison door is swung wide open,

We refuse to believe it.

 Freedom is for people like Billy Graham,

Freedom is for the good guy….

Not for a sinner like me…

~As I shared what I felt God was showing me with my friend,

I took their hand and turned their palm upside down and opened their fingers.

 I told my friend to let go.

 Let go of trying to work your own penance,

Hands down,

Fingers outstretched.

Release the tension in your mind and head

And Truly Believe that God has paid the price.

 You do not have to war within your mind about your standing with God.

 He has you.

 He had you before you sinned,

He had you while you were sinning,

And He has you now.

 Take a deep breath

And rest in the fact that

Because of Him

You are free.

 You have Freedom.

 It is God’s Kindness that leads us to repentance.

 It is His Unimaginable Love

That loosens the cords

Of tight shame

Around our heads and hearts.

Trust Christ’s work on the cross

For your past,

For today,

And for your future.

 Sit back and relax in His Love,

His Amazing, Amazing Love

And your headache will melt away….


 Beautiful, Beautiful Freedom.

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