
Posts Tagged ‘atheist’

photo of lightning

Photo by Philippe Donn on Pexels.com

God has many names.

Many  names.

He is Jehovah Nissi,

My Victory.

Jehovah Rapha,

My Healer.

Jehovah Shalom,

My Peace.

Jesus called Him Father.

But lately,

We have needed

The God-of-Angel-Armies.

So that is the Name I cry out to.

We’ve needed a

Warrior God,

A Rush-To-Our-Defense-God,

 An I-Will-FIGHT-For-You-God.

And that is the name I call upon.

Whenever I cry out,

‘Oh God-Of-Angel-Armies come to our rescue!’

He Does.

I INSTANTLY feel His Presence.


We’ve felt such a need for a Redeemer,

For an All-Conquering,


Fearsome Warrior,

So I cry out and He is near…

I feel Him by my side…

Yes, the Holy Spirit dwells within me

and comforts me,

But He is also the one that quickens me

with the Name of God that we need for the moment.

And recently He has told me


Think of that name.




Mighty to Save…



Who is like Him?

NO ONE!!! 

Not one single person or thing.

He is Great,

And Greatly To Be Praised.

That is the God I’ve been talking with lately.

That is the God I’ve been walking with lately.

That is the God Who has been showing me

situations, people and things around me

to pray about and to pray for.

He is the same God my mother used to pray to

and her mother used to pray to

and her mother’s mother,

and on and on.

With that legacy behind me

how can I not call out to

The Name Above All Names,

Who comes to our rescue?

God-Of-Angel Armies

is right by my side.

lightning in land

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

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Hebrews 11:6 says;

“Without faith it is impossible to please God,

For he who comes to God must believe

That He exists.”

~That He exists….

God knows that we cannot physically see Him,

And that doubts are natural;

And so He puts this little part of scripture inside His Holy Word,

He acknowledges that it is natural

For us to doubt

That He exists…

Isn’t He Good?

Why isn’t He stomping His Feet and angry

That we have doubts….

That we question…

The scripture also says;

He remembers our frame…

He remembers that we are not God

We are mere man…

And He has compassion on us…

And smiles when He sees us

Trusting Him…

Believing Him…

Even when we cannot physically see Him.

He is the Invisible God,

Who is visibly present in all that surrounds me,

And Who walks with me as I stumble about each day.


Because He Loves me.

And He smiles every time

I Trust the Unseen….

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No one laughs at God in a hospital
No one laughs at God in a war
No one’s laughing at God
When they’re starving or freezing or so very poor

No one laughs at God
When the doctor calls after some routine tests
No one’s laughing at God
When it’s gotten real late
And their kid’s not back from the party yet

No one laughs at God
When their airplane start to uncontrollably shake
No one’s laughing at God
When they see the one they love, hand in hand with someone else
And they hope that they’re mistaken

No one laughs at God
When the cops knock on their door
And they say we got some bad news, sir
No one’s laughing at God
When there’s a famine or fire or flood

“Laughing With”

Regina Spektor

I have never met a true atheist.  I have met people that call themselves atheist, but when we talk, inevitably it came out that they were actually very angry at God because of some horrible, terrible wound they had suffered at some point in their life.

How can you be angry at something/someone you don’t even believe exists?…….

No.  It is much easier to deny God and somehow ‘slap Him in the face‘, then to admit that this Omniscient Being would allow tragedy to occur, and you walk away bleeding the rest of your life.

The Wounds……O The Wounds.

The absolute worst wounds are the wounds of the heart……..the wounds of intention…..the wounds that come from inside the church…….the very place you are supposed to feel safe…..


I am so very careful to not cause pain, but of course since I am human I still do; but I honestly try not to intentionally, because I tell others that I am a Follower of Jesus, and I don’t want to mar His Name.  ~It’s the same reason I place no bumper stickers on my car about God.  If I cut someone off, or if I am driving rude, what name do you think that person behind me will see?


Jesus said, “I have come to bind up the brokenhearted”  And who exactly did Jesus have the most rejection from?

The sinners? (No, Jesus was called the Friend of the Sinners..)

It was the church of His day.  The beautiful, perfect, never-do-anything-wrong Pharisees.

And if we’re not careful, it will be the pharisees of today that will also lash out at us.

But who wants to be careful?  Who wants to walk perfectly, trying to impress some mere man?

I want to live for an audience of One.

I have learned, from all the many years of growing up in the church and seeing the politics behind the scenes, that the majority of the ones that call themselves Christians, are not Christ Followers at all.  They are only ones who want promotion, recognition, pats on the back from their fellow men.

I could have, at one point, made a decision, that all this God stuff is just fantasy because of what I saw with my eyes, and heard with my ears…

But somehow, deep inside of me, I KNEW that what I saw and heard wasn’t God……wasn’t God.

Now, my husband and I are going to the most authentic, real church we have ever been to.  It is called The Road.

But it has taken years to find.  Years.

I thank God for bringing us to The Road.

And, yet, I am very aware, that it is run by humans, and we are still surrounded by very human Followers of Christ, that have themselves been wounded by modern day pharisees, just like me, and some of them drive around with bumper stickers about God on their car while cutting other cars off…..

Atheism is a Symptom of a Great Wound that cut to the Deepest Part of the Heart.

And that kind of wound is one only Jesus can Bind Up and Heal.

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