
Archive for the ‘Me,’ Category

Dying to self

I have heard this many times, die to self , die to self.  The one that dies to self is the one that gets the reward quicker,  the sooner you die, the quicker that humility comes in and the true reward comes in.  If you wish you could be ‘right’ but that will win you nothing.  It is the same concept as being quiet and holding your tongue.  The one that holds his tongue and does not respond when provoked is the one that is in control of his whole being.  That is a scripture.  The person who is able to manage his words and die to self, let the other person win, is the one who is able to not succumb to sin.  Not always easy, but I am choosing to not ‘win’ and I am choosing to die daily to myself and while it is not always easy, it will be in the long run rewarding.  It is not who finishes the race first, it is the one who finishes…..

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