
Archive for the ‘Manny’ Category

I have come to the conclusion that I am married to a mixture of Abraham Lincoln and Pa off of Little House on the Prairie.  Manny is such a wise man, slow to anger and gentle of heart that I can’t help but admire him.  Just this morning when I was questioning whether grandpa should snow plow the driveway since he has a cold/bronchial thing, Manny said, “A man has to have a sense of worth, dad can sit in his chair and have no sense of worth but extending his life, or he can be out enjoying his life while he can.”

Well ok.  Enough said.  I completely understood that logic and agreed with it.  Didn’t that sound just like Pa off of Little house on the Prairie?  Or Abraham Lincoln?  God knew that I needed a strong man who had a gentle heart, and so He gave me exactly that.  When I look at Manny I sigh, and think, ‘if only I could be half as gracious as Manny’ …..sigh….even just now as he was downloading pictures off my camera, and was explaining some things to me about it, I gasped and said “I didn’t know that!!!”  And he sighed, chuckled and said,’ok now Deb don’t freak out!  ha ha’, but seriously, it is SO evident why God gave me Manny.  It is CLEARLY evident to all my friends who have known me for years, they are like, ‘Yep, Deb needs her Manny’.

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September 28, 2007

Dear God

September 28, 2007 I became Mrs. Manuel Gonzales.  It was the BEST GIFT ever given to me by you.  Besides your salvation for me, of course.   I remember sitting in the back door of my townhome and praying for Manny.  I remember sitting on my back patio, in my white whicker chair and praying for Manny.  I remember driving in the mountains at 11:00 at night praying for Manny.  I remember going to the WPC and taking communion and praying for Manny.  I remember taking long hikes up steep terrain on my trail, praying for Manny.  I remember rising at four a.m. praying for Manny…….all this and I hadn’t even met him yet.  But you did God.  You knew who you had planned for me.  You knew EXACTLY what I needed.  Not only wanted, because Manny FAR exceeds my wants, (I never knew that I could actually put all the qualities Manny has and holds on a ‘wish list’, so I never  ever dreamed of asking for someone with his qualities,) but manny is what I NEEDED.  I was scattered brained (kinda still am), and I needed a stabilizing factor, I was a dreamer, and I needed an alert guy.  I was a floater and I needed a rock.  That is quite frequently what I have called Manny lately, Rock.  We have been together four years, but we have both said that it feels like  a lifetime.  We connect on so many levels that it is hard to imagine that we, at one time, didn’t actually KNOW each other.  Amazing huh?  That is what it is like when you are with your soulmate.  Today, at lunch we were talking about how if we had known each other as little kids we would have played in a sandbox together…..this conversation started when we were splitting a burrito bowl at Chipotle for lunch.  He had just cleaned up ‘his side’ of the bowl and I scooted all the extra rice and beans over to his side.  He gave me a look like, “I cannot believe you just did that!”  and then we started laughing and talking about how if we had played together in a sandbox as children, he would have carefully and meticulously made his castle, and I would have come along and dumped more sand on his side, to show him I loved him, and he would have given me that same look….hee hee.

God, You gave me Manny’s Rock Solid personality to my Pie-In-the-Sky outlook on life.  Sometimes I catch my breath and think to myself, ‘Can it be true?’  Can my Knight in Shining Armor be this amazing?  And then I look over at him, put my head on his chest, listen to his steady rhythmic heartbeat, smile to myself and drift off to sleep…

Thank you God, Oh Thank you God…


Mrs. Manuel Gonzales

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